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A very pagan blogversation
2010-06-24, 1:23 a.m.

In the classic style of "blogversation..."

One of Nikki's most recent entries addressed a bumpy re-entry to the Pagan way of life. ...feeling disconnected with nature, unable to sense the coming of the summer solstice and a discomfort with the idea of performing magick...

I'd had a thought when I was outside earlier today trying to tune into the energies following the earthquake. I was a little confused with myself because although I felt the energy hit me when I stepped outside the door, I had a hard time hanging onto it. If I concerned myself with anything else at all, I was to distracted to feel anything out of the ordinary. I even put my hand on the bare dirt to try to tune in deliberately. Nothing... And then I realized that Earth was never my element. Not in my previous Pagan experience and apparently still not now. My element is Air. Or at least it used to be and I will consider that it still is until I have reason to think otherwise.


What if Nikki is having a hard time with summer, and has for more than one year in a row, because it is technically kind of the antithesis of her chosen element? The summer heat, evaporating water, perhaps it is draining to her? The main argument I can see against this theory is "Well, it didn't used to be this way..." I have no good answer for that. Maybe it's a side effect of both having aged and also having been away from the craft and thus being less tuned in. I would challenge her to try to tune in to the humidity--of which we have no shortage--and try to make it work for her. That kind of even sounds like an advanced task for a seasoned practitioner. It would be quite a challenge, indeed.

As to the Magick part... I also do not feel comfortable at this point with the idea of an actual "spell." I almost feel like that isn't even on the table this time around. I'm not uncomfortable with the idea of sending out thoughtforms during meditation or politely "asking" the powers to be to help me out. I think it's going to be prayer-format for me for some time. I like the idea of spirits and guardians and angels and fairies skipping around who I can ask for help. ...not so much manipulating the energies myself.

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