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2006, a year of adjustment
2005-12-30, 11:57 a.m.

The new year looms.

I have a lot of anxiety right now about returning to work next week. After the little surprise I found out about people being shuffled around, it's hard for me to feel motivated. Also, while I have a lot to look forward to about working days again, I wonder also if that was the right decision. Sure, it will get us through this semester as far as Jeff's classes are concerned, but then what? Was it really the best arrangement for us? I guess we'll find out. One way or another, whether for that place or for myself or for my family, I do resolve to be more focused and productive at work. I think it's mostly so I can get the most bang for my buck in terms of the hours I work. Just get it all done and get the hell out, no more, no less. This is the best for everyone, I believe.

I've also come up with a new idea that I want to do this year. I'm going to keep a page in this diary for a "gift list." I'm truly surprised I never thought of it before since I have seen others do similar things. In general, it's just for me... Not so much for anyone who reads here. I'm tired of birthdays and holidays coming around and always having to tell people something like, "I just thought of something you could get for Jeff (or me or the baby, etc.), but I can't remember what it was now." So this year I'm going to start trying to keep a running list of ideas for all of us. So, I'll at least create a blank template for that in the next entry or so.

Other things I plan to do in the coming year? Oh, there's so much. There are so many things in my life I need to catch up on or fine tune or just change in some small way.

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