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Infant Insomnia
2005-08-25, 6:09 p.m.

This little boy is impossible. For some reason, at only 8 weeks old, he's already decided that if he falls asleep that he's going to miss something. So he gets sooooo tired, but yet won't take a nap for anything. Then, finally, I'll rock him to sleep or he'll just give up at some point while I'm holding him. As soon as I put him down anywhere, he wakes up. Then, of course, he's fussy because he's so tired. Repeat the cycle.
Aaah, as I was saying.... I just put him down maybe 45 seconds ago. He's awake. Oh my... This boy is going to give me fits, I can tell already.
Back to work....

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Women... And stuff... - 2012-08-19
Sniffles - 2012-08-18
Time to kill while waiting for a late dinner... - 2012-08-11
0.0 - 2012-08-05
Locked and Isolated in BlogLand - 2012-08-03

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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