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Marriage Counseling Via Text Messages
2010-07-06, 1:17 p.m.

Jeff: Do you wish you were friends with Nikki during her orgy phase?

Me: Is this one of the things you've been trying to ask me since last night?

Jeff: No, just popped into my head. Why can't you answer many of my questions?

Me: I can answer that one... I just don't think that it matters and I don't think you'll be satisfied with what I have to say about it.

Jeff: I'm done.

Me: The answer is... I don't know. I had good reasons to not be friends then. I'm not sure orgies would have made up for the love lost at that time.

Me: Also, you were in prison during that time... While I could've probably used the sex, it would've been confusing to me on a lot of levels.

Me: So really... I don't know. It could've been fun, but I don't know. and it's over now anyway, so no point in wishing. That's how I feel about it.

Me: There's your answer.

Jeff: You can go have orgies now.

Me: Jeff... You're being ridiculous.

Jeff: Sorry, didn't mean to piss you off.

Me: I'm not pissed off. But I am getting tired.

Jeff: OK, stop talking to me then.

Me: Sigh

Jeff: What? I know you are tired and I am exhausted and can't take anymore. I am sorry this happened.

Me: I just don't know what to think of everything. It isn't about orgies and socializing.

Jeff: Let's talk again tonight.

Me: Of course

Jeff: Nothing is certain. You shouldn't just blame me for our lack of communication.

Me: As I have said. I don't...

Jeff: Like I said, I'm done.

Me: Okay.

It's been a long fucking night.

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