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Whine update
2005-04-21, 10:12 a.m.

Well, Tuesday went okay. As projected, the write-up happened, which was the very least of our concerns, mostly. The more I know now about the situation the more ridiculous I think the whole thing is. Keep in mind, that I don't have a problem admitting fault in my husband. I love him dearly and I'll often say he's perfect, but if you read the fine print it might say something like "perfect for me" or "perfect at the moment." If and when he screws up, I have no problem being the first to stand up and say, "What the heck where you thinking?!?" That said, I really think his error in this situation was minimal, if it existed at all. The more I hear, the more it seems to me that this lady with the complaints just knew how things worked at this restaurant, by virtue of being acquainted with one of the former head chefs, and knew that she could manipulate the owner into giving her free food (which he has done, a $100 gift certificate). I think she would have done the exact same thing no matter who her server was and even if she received absolutely stellar service. The proof is self-evident... Honey said that they tipped him just shy of 20%, which is something you just don't do if you are as upset as this lady claims he is/was, I don't care how much money you have to throw away. Incidentally, this is also the same woman, who, a while back, wrote an editorial to the city paper when her chef friend left the establishment (which, to anyone's knowledge, the left of his own free will to pursue other opportunities) saying that the place was going to go straight downhill once he was gone. That caused quite a stir then. What I'm wondering now is, knowing that she did that, why would they cater to her at all? She is obviously a trouble-maker. In her recent complaint she also said, "This wouldn't have happened if *Chef* were still here." That guy was the day chef, she was in at night, not to mention that the kitchen staff would have had nothing to do with preventing or affecting the complaints she lodged against Honey or the management. All she wanted was her free food and to put a little plug in for her friend.
Apparently the owner doesn't see it that way, though how you could not, I'm not sure. Apparently vast amounts of money kills neurons, or maybe it's the drugs that vast amounts of money can buy. Probably the latter.... Honey's manager told him that his response to the write up would be left for the owner, but he may still be fired by his next shift, which is today. ...or if the owner decides to not come in today, maybe tomorrow. Again, something I don't understand because I don't see the point in wasting the time and energy to write him up if they were just going to fire him anyway. It doesn't even make sense in terms of them covering their ass legally if Honey decided to sue or something for wrongful termination. What kind of paper trail can you show when the only write-up he's ever had was the same incident he was fired over? It doesn't make any sense to me, and I'd almost like to think that the manager was just told to play it up and scare the hell out of him to make sure he didn't think he was getting off scott-free. Which, since he didn't really screw up in the first place, is stupid and unfair. If they do fire him today or tomorrow, knowing the current state of things here at home, and knowing that the complaint had a very large element of BS in it, I hope they have someone praying for their souls. Maybe someday I will, when I'm not so irritated.
So I still have faith that everything will work out in the end. I'm just utterly dumbfounded and completely aggravated at the idiocy that has gone on in a place that claims to be so professional.
In the end, I told Honey that I thought that even if he gets to keep his job by the end of the week, I thought he should look for something else. This is never really going to go away and his managers are always going to be on him for something. He doesn't need to be in a place that's going to treat him this way. So hopefully he'll end up in a comparable-grade restaurant or I even think that it would be worth the pay-cut if he took this as an opportunity to switch over into hotel work now so that by the time he finishes his hospitality management degree he'll have a pretty well-rounded background. The timing is unfortunate, what with the baby coming soon, but however this goes I think it has great potential for us to turn it around and make it work for us.

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