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Mood: Grumpy
Watching: Stranger than Fiction

Gradual onset of symptoms
2007-06-02, 1:56 p.m.

I've been a little more nauseated today and yesterday, but I'm still optimistic that it won't be as bad this time as it was the first time around. In general, I can still get some temporary relief from eating, which usually wasn't the case before. So I guess I just keep eating then. Uhg. And also, I still have a pretty decent appetite, which also wasn't the case last time. With Jack's pregnancy, I think I only ate during the first 16 weeks because I knew I had to, but never because I wanted to. I spent the first 20 weeks or so being baffled at how anyone gained any weight during pregnancy (it's all here in previous entries, I believe). Of course, I made it up later.

Yeah, so for archival purposes, in my first pregnancy it hit me like a truck within 2 days time right around the 6 week mark. This time it's been more of a gradual onset from about 3 and a half weeks up to now (which is 6 weeks tomorrow, I believe. My lilypie counter is wrong, I think).

Today has also been a high-emotions, low-patience day, which never ends happily for anyone. Jack is napping now and I think I'm going to try to catch a few winks after I get off of here so that maybe the evening can proceed a little more smoothly.

I'd like to say I could do this again, but I think for everyone's sake we should stop at two. While I know a lot of people do it, the idea of me, personally, being over 30 and pregnant is horrifying. I'll be 28 when this one arrives and I think that's my limit.

Oh yeah, and according to the Chinese Birth Chart, it's going to be a girl this time. They claim 93% accuracy; we'll see.

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Sniffles - 2012-08-18
Time to kill while waiting for a late dinner... - 2012-08-11
0.0 - 2012-08-05
Locked and Isolated in BlogLand - 2012-08-03

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