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The Da Vinci Curse
2006-06-04, 5:00 p.m.

I finished reading The Da Vinci Code this week, and now am just waiting for some grandparental availability so that we can go see the movie (hopefully before our trip to North Carolina in 2 weeks). I'm considering keeping my own tally of "pages read" inspired by Nikki's book club thing, but using only the books that I manage to finish off of my own To-Read list. The trouble I have with real book clubs is that most of the titles on their lists are books I've never heard of and have no interest in ever reading. Perhaps that's lazy of me to not venture off of my personal path of interest, but as long as I still have a list of books that I'm interested in reading, I have no use for obscure titles. Anyway, back to Dan Brown.

I believe reading that book was a test of faith for me. Considering my religious history (Ex-nondenominational Christian, turned Ex-Wiccan and currently Methodist), it was very hard for me to read some of the parts of that book without really, really wanting to go back to that place in my past. While the book as a whole is meant to be a novel, there are a lot of parts in there, particularly regarding the early Christian church's manipulation of beliefs and stealing of Pagan traditions, that make a lot of sense. I even wondered at one point just how un-Christian I'd really be if I decided to turn Pagan again, considering that so much of Christian tradition has been "borrowed" from ancient Pagan ways. It was very hard for me to stand my ground, and it is still difficult to turn my back on the temptation and walk away, but I have to. God has given me a very clear look at what He expects from me and what He has in store for me should I decide to go another way. It was fine for me then and fine for anyone else now, but I don't need any further reminding that said time is over for me now. I am not a Witch anymore, and I can never be one again. And that's okay...

So be warned if any such similar situation is applicable to you and you have not yet read the book or seen the movie yet.

I need a nap.

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