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Mood: Thinking
Watching: Toy Story 2
Reading: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

It's a girl!
2007-09-06, 8:22 a.m.

It's a girl!

I think everyone in my family thinks I'm disappointed, but really, I'm more surprised. I did kind of expect it to be a boy. It's just the picture that I had in my head. Everyone I know either has one of each or two girls. I kind of expected us to be the oddballs. But I was okay with tht... However, I was a little sad about some of the things I was going to miss out on if I didn't have a little girl around the house. Now I can buy the cute little sundresses with cherries on them, and dolls, and have a crafting buddy without sissifying one of my sons.

So I'm not disappointed. It'll be really fun (until she rebels). The other thing that I had stuck in my mind is that both of my friends from work who had older sons and recently had girls for second babies have something in common. Their little girls, they say, are way more trouble than their boys were. Getting into more stuff, more attitude, more defiant... All as infants and toddlers! It think that has tainted me too.

This apartment is just going to keep getting smaller... I can't believe I'm nearly half done with this pregnancy.

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