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Mood: Tired
Watching: The Polar Express

Beginning of Holiday Season
2007-11-25, 10:42 a.m.

31 weeks pregnant today... Time flies when you've got a toddler, I guess.

Though I feel fairly huge, I must be smaller than I was with Jack because I can distinctly remember feeling "done" before this point last time. This time I feel less flexible and spry, overall, but mostly comfortable most of the time. I give it another month before I'm ready to C-section myself in the bathtub.

And, in direct necessity to not wanting to take a 2-year-old and a huge pregnant lady out in frigid weather and shopping insanity, at least 85% of my holiday shopping is done. Everything I have here for the extended family is also already wrapped and under the tree. I'm hoping we can pick up the odds and ends soon and so all we'll have to focus on is getting ready for the baby to come. And baking... I really want to bake cookies with Jack this year too.

And the job. Have I mentioned the latest in the job lately? Well, last Monday when the personnel committee was scheduled to meet and give me the thumbs up or thumbs down for promotion... That never really happened. Again... Turns out that HR decided that since some of the details of the job posting have changed (mainly the hours... They're calling it a "mid-shift" now and made the start time 2 hours later), that it's only fair to repost to see if anyone else might be interested in the new hours. Blah.. Fair to many outweights fair to the few, I guess. It really isn't worth the aggravation. I want it less and less everyday, but I really, really need the money.

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