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The lack thereof.
2006-03-25, 8:50 a.m.

I don't watch the news, mainly because I don't want to know things. When it comes to current events, my favorite policy is "ignorance is bliss." Now, that doesn't apply to everything, of course. I do believe that it is useful to stay informed of major world events--the sort of thing that history will eventually be made of, etc. However, I see absolutely no usefulness in hearing what house caught fire on the city's east side and where there was a shooting in the past few days and the other sorts of things that just plain make people paranoid in daily life. I was an extremely fearful child and I'm still a pretty paranoid adult and I attribute that mainly to the fear-mongering that one finds on the nightly news programs. I hate it all. I wish, very much, that my husband didn't have any need of the news. I don't want it on the television when Jack is old enough to listen and try to understand. I truly believe that there isn't enough useful news happening locally or anywhere to warrant 3 or more news shows in the course of a day on regular, local television channels. Twice a week, fine, but 3 or 4 times per day, no.

Personally, I think all anyone needs to be a good, well-rounded individual is a good education, in so far as they choose to take it. The more educated one is, the less need they will have to be fed the daily tidbits that the news offers. You find for yourself what you think you need to know and the hell with the rest.

I'm feeling like I need a change in my life. I feel like I need to just set off a figurative bomb and level it all, then pick out of the ashes the things that I want to keep (obviously son and husband to start with), and leave the rest behind. I'd love to leave my job with it, but I can't spare the benefits--I'll never find as good a package anywhere else.
We're settling into the new place pretty well. It's been a month ago today that we moved. At this point the why's and the how's of the move don't even matter anymore. It's done. I still am not in love with the location, as compared to where we were, but the apartment itself is starting to feel a bit more like "ours."

For those of you who are at all familiar with my previous writings in LunaUA, you'll know my favorite segment that no one else liked: Showtunes. Showtunes are the soundtrack to my life, and the major events therein. I have a new one, though I won't post the lyrics because everyone hates that. It doesn't really matter at this point what it's about, just that I've assigned it some meaning--it was always one of my favorites anyway, even when it didn't mean anything.

Today's new showtune is: Inside Out by Eve 6.

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