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More Motherhood
2005-07-23, 9:18 p.m.

Today has been another of the rougher ones. I say that very loosely because, by and large, Jack has been EXTREMELY good to me. After he went ahead and slept nearly all through the night two nights ago, he decided to wake up every hour and a half last night beginning at 2 AM. He was finally up for the day around 8:30. Besides his little cat-naps that the dozes off for while I'm feeding him or immediately after (lasting only 5-15 minutes), he's only had one good nap today around lunch time of an hour and a half, of which I managed to sleep half that time. Then finally around 8 he fell asleep again after fighting it for about 2 hours while my mom was visiting (and, of course needing to be fed almost constantly in that time). She stayed for a while after he fell asleep and now I just finished making myself some much-overdue dinner. Hopefully I can lie down for a bit after I eat, though I'd like to move him since he fell asleep in his bouncy seat and now he's a bit slumped over. I'm sure that will wake him up, however. No rest for the wicked, I suppose, and that's fine.
My mom is trying to convince me to employ the "let him fuss" method of parenting. Don't pick him up every time--you'll spoil him, etc. etc. etc. I'm sure that eventually it comes to that, but he's way to little to be just letting him cry now. The poor kid just wants to be fed, for chrissakes. She also thinks that I'm a freak for the whole "don't let him sleep on his stomach because of SIDS" thing, and I can't seem to convince her of the extreme importance of that. I guess it will be a while before Gramma babysits overnight then. I'll be worried that Jack is stuck on his belly screaming his guts out into the night. It's too bad...
I suppose I ought to come up with a cast list or at least introduce myself properly soon seeing as how more people are finding me and vice versa. I'll get on that soon. Until then, however, I invite everyone to sign my guestmap (which is a new one, by the way, since my LunaUA diary--bravenet took a big dump on my old one and I lost all of those entries).
I think my prospects of catching a nap are fading...

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