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Red-Hot burning peppers
2010-08-30, 12:07 p.m.

I had a wave of bitterness pass over me this morning while I was in the shower. I don't like to hold grudges, and avoid it whenever I can (and I've forgiven some people of some really significant bullshit along the way just to try to avoid poisoning my soul with the grudge), but I think this one might hang around for a while.

It's not toward Jeff and it's not toward John and it doesn't involve any member of my family.

I'm just really annoyed in that really burning-like-habanero-peppers-in-your-throat kind of way. That I'm-so-fucking-pissed-that-I-set-myself-up-for-this-where's-the-fucking-milk kind of self-annoyance and annoyance with the pepper for being such a fiery, little asshole. You thought you knew what you expected and yet it hurt you even more than you had anticipated or prepared for.

*sigh* I don't have time for any more right now.

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