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Mood: Adventurous
Watching: Wallace and Gromit: The Tale of the Were-Rabbit
Reading: Wicked (I finally finished The Blood Canticle)

A sister site
2008-03-10, 12:23 p.m.

My brother recently brought it to my attention that he could never possibly link to my diary from his blog due to the sensitive nature of my content here. Generally, and especially over the last year, I've had a lot of angst. My angst has mainly been directed towards various members of my family and/or various members of my husband's family... Sometimes toward people I work with, but who cares about them anyway?

What happened to the glory days of the old LunaUA diary where I attempted to spread some intelligence or at least state my views on things? I think after I got about a dozen diary reviews where I just turned out to be a mediocre diarist, I decided to just stop trying so hard to be a decent diarist. I stopped updating, except when I had something on my mind and usually when I had something on my mind, I was upset to some degree.

In my perfectly reasonable defense, one does not get to be this complacent and "passive" without having a good bit of bottled up rage. Indeed, the current season for Seasons79, based on the last half of the entries of this diary, must be Winter.

So, since I can't just start being soft again here without giving up all of my angry entries to the numerous linkers that would come my way via TJ's blog, I have to try a parallel blog. If it ever gets legs, that will be

Seasons79 certainly isn't going anywhere, but this blog may also exist. God knows winter isn't over yet.

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Women... And stuff... - 2012-08-19
Sniffles - 2012-08-18
Time to kill while waiting for a late dinner... - 2012-08-11
0.0 - 2012-08-05
Locked and Isolated in BlogLand - 2012-08-03

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