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Mood: Contemplative
Watching: The Last King of Scotland
Reading: The Blood Canticle

2007-10-28, 5:57 p.m.

Let it not be said that I am one to break with tradition.

Back in my early days of Diaryland, maybe even my reason for coming here, Nikki (NakedBarista, for those who know her as such) and I used to share a somewhat unique and probably rather odd system of blog-dialogue. We went through a period of re-acquaintance and spent some time where it was maybe easier or more thorough to blog back and forth on a similar topic rather than discuss it outright. Nowadays, things are different and more open, as tends to happen in the progression of any successful relationship, so such a thing isn't really necessary.

For old time's sake though, I want to attempt to answer a semi-recent blog of hers about moving home and she and I being in-person best friends again.

Indeed, I guess we are currently strangers, in a sense. We've been miles apart and mainly pen-pals of sorts for the meat-and-potatoes segment of our adult-personality-building mid-twenties. Before that, we only had a couple of years, at most, of adult friendship. Before that, we weren't in contact. Before that, we were kids. I think our pen-pal-ship has done an adequate job of bringing us through this time period such that the stage is set for living in the same area code again. I'll admit though, that I don't buy the whole "I'm a quiet, reserved person now" thing though. I believe that's a side I won't see. I'd guess it's reserved for first-time strangers.

Perhaps a big change that I've gone through... Made part of myself, if you will, is that the disdain for other people isn't like it used to be for me. I've kind of accepted other people as a necessary evil. I believe that I have a likable personality and I have high hopes for new people I meet, though I know that few will ever really meet my expectations. I think that I've learned to know this and accept it has helped me not hate people so much when they fail me. I idealize people, both the ones I know and the ones I don't know yet. Mostly, when I don't present myself to someone these days (such as when we hire new people at work), sometimes it's because they rub me the wrong way, but mostly I'm just too lazy to do it. I'll meet you sooner or later. I could elaborate on that to make myself sound just awful, but I won't. I also tend to be really busy at such times too, so that's not entirely my own personality flaw at work. I think all of this started to change in me when I worked in Ashland. The people I knew there were amazing.

One of the things that I am pretty excited about though is that she'll be home in time for my daughter to be born. This will be a first in our history. With both of her girls and my son, we were not in a position to be a part of this sort of even in eachothers' lives. With Jack, I didn't have any close friends visit me in the hospital (which isn't the worst thing, I guess, if you consider what a state one is in immediately following childbirth) nor did I hear from anyone at work during my entire 9 week maternity leave. I have good friends at work, but they kind of dropped the ball on me for that one. But again, I understand that no one will be exactly as I expect, so I just enjoyed my peace with my new baby and moved into the future.

So I think I more-or-less blogged back to the main ideas point-by-point, which is what I set out to do. If there's anyone reading here who doesn't already read Nikki (aka NakedBarista here in Diaryland), perhaps you can contact her if you'd like to get a better feel for anything I'm saying here. I don't bother linking because she's locked.

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