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Too much truth
2006-10-13, 6:05 p.m.

And this is the entry I would've written today, in place of my being tagged. If you haven't read the previous entry, please go back and do so.

I thought for a second that maybe I should give the person in this entry a chance. Maybe she was the unlikely person who had spent all of these years wondering what ever happened to me and thinking maybe we'd be friends again someday. This isn't me in my wild delusions, she said something in a recent message to the effect of "I've always wondered why we stopped talking." And that she frequently drives past my mom's house in her daily goings-on. Obviously she thinks of me once in a while, which was surprising to me. She also said maybe I had the answer to why we drifted apart. I don't know about an answer, but I did have a memory of what I think was our last phone conversation (actually probably our last conversation, period). I just told her what I remembered, that we each had come upon new male friends during the summer before high school. I can remember each of us saying something to catch the other up as to what we were up to. I can remember the distinct impression that neither of us was very impressed with the other's new relationship, and that was it. We never spoke again. We didn't fight or have hard words. We just parted. We went separate ways and pursued our separate goals, as is evident now in the lives we lead today. I don't believe either of us did anything wrong. It just happened, as these things do. So, I told her a very condensed version of that and I thought it was a fine thing to say. She, **sigh** as is becoming the theme with all of my new-old friends, never replied again. I'm starting to have no doubt in my mind of why these people were lost to begin with. I'm starting to think that on average, people may change, but not that much. My high school ex-boyfriend used to say, "You never really change; you just become more of yourself." Perhaps that's true.

So anyway, I'm wondering if my little statement as to how this ex-friend of mine and I drifted apart struck a chord in her. Perhaps she's offended. Perhaps she wanted to get to know me, but only superficially. Maybe I went a little too deep. Is there such a thing as too much truth?

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